Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10th

Today was weigh-in day!   I ended up eating all of my WPA last week, and lost 1 lb this week!   It's been 22 weeks since I joined WW, and I've lost a total of 46.6lbs.......that's an average of 2.1lbs a week!  That's a loss of 17.5% of my body weight!   That's incredible!!!   A member in my meeting had her daughter with her last week, and she said that her daughter weighed just about 50lbs.........I lost an entire KID!!!!!!!    

So, what did I have to eat today???   Well, it was my brother's girlfriend's birthday, so we went out for Mexican food and had birthday cake afterwards, so I used quite a bit of my WPA.

Breakfast was a packet of Quaker Weight Control oatmeal with a half ounce of golden raisins, a half ounce of craisins and some frozen fruit mixed in, and 2 cups of skim milk.  Breakfast came to 10 P+.

Lunch ended up being a Kashi granola bar, since by the time I got hungry for lunch, a regular lunch would have made me too full for an early dinner.  The bar was 4P+.

For Dinner, we went to a local Mexican restaurant.  They put down chips and salsa, which everyone else wolfed down....I had a couple of chips.  They also ordered nachos, I had one.  I was really trying to save my appetite for my entree.  I ordered steak fahitas.  I used one of the tortillas, put a little bit of sour cream, guacamole and refried beans on it (barely a tsp of each), then loaded it with the steak and onions (which did not look shiny/greasy at all!).  I ended up eating about half of the steak/onion mixture, and did not touch the rice or the rest of the beans, or the cheese.  I brought the leftover steak/onion mixture home.  I weighed it when I got home and estimated that I ate about 2oz of the steak, so I counted that, one tortilla, a tablespoon of oil, and a little bit for the sour cream/beans/guac combo.  I estimated dinner to be 9 P+.

We had cake after we got home, I cut a fairly normal (small) piece of cake, and counted 9 P+ for it.  I have calculated the points in my home made cake and frosting before, and it averages out to 15-16P+ for one slice.  Since I had half a serving, I counted 9.

I was hungry later, so had the remaining leftover steak/onion mixture, my own tortilla, sour cream and cheese.  I also had 1.5 cups of skim milk.  My 'snack' was 9P+.  I also had a dessert of mango (which I bought pre-cut at the store!).

I ate a total of 42 P+ today, using 12 of my WPA.  Oh yeah, did I also mention that my daily P+ target went down to 30?  Well, it did.  It's funny.....the receptionists always seem sorry to tell you that you lost a point, but I tell them  "It's fine, that's why I'm here"  lol.


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