Thursday, December 8, 2011

One year..... 365 days..... 8,760hrs..... 525,600min..... 31.5M secs.....

Yes, it has been one year since I re-joined WW!  I joined Dec 7th, 2010.  Yesterday was one full calendar year since joining.  I have changed quite a bit over the past year.  I will attempt to talk about it in this post, lol. has the year gone?   Pretty well I'd say!  I am down 83lbs from one year ago and I am so happy!  Due to work (yay!) I have not been able to attend my 'regular' meeting for the last month or so, but wanted to celebrate my 1yr Anniversary with the people that I know the best.  So, I took a long lunch from work and went yesterday.  It was so nice to see everyone again and especially nice to hear that they've all been asking the leader about me and how I was doing!

First, I'll start with Me.  Here are some pictures I put together to show how much I've physically changed over the past year:

Me - Years before I ever thought of joining WW

These pictures were taken of me, tonight, at my friend's house.   We found a pair of pants and a shirt that I had given to her (that I used to wear) and took some pictures with me holding them.

The pants, and the shirt, are both a size 26/28 from Lane Bryant.

  Thoughts/Observations from the past year:
* The quality of food matters more than the quantity of food - related to this.....fuller fat versions of food are more satisfying to me than fat-free or low-fat versions.  Real Food for Real Living!
* I care a WHOLE lot more about what I'm eating than I ever thought possible!
* I'm much happier removing/limiting soy in my diet
* I now add olive oil to my oatmeal - if ANYONE had tried telling me I was going to be doing this, I'd have told them where to go!  lol
* It's much easier, in some ways, than I thought it would be to do this again
* I love the attitude change from diet to lifestyle
* I now realize how much "bad" and "junk" food it out there, surrounding me everyday. I am sometimes in awe that I don't succomb to it.
* I realize how badly other people eat and want to clue them in, but realize it all has to be a personal choice.
* It starts to disgust me, at times, walking through the grocery store.  I now realize how much "bad" and "junk" food it out there, surrounding me everyday. I am sometimes in awe that I don't succomb to it.
* I used to love to eat out, now I do it when I have too.  It's no longer all that exciting because I know how bad the food is for you that's being served.  Even the "healthier" options!
* I am much more aware of what's in the foods I'm eating than I ever thought possible.  I even care about it too!
* I can't believe it took me so long to go into a Trader Joe's!  I could live there, lol.
* I am solely responsible for my success on this program.  No one else, just me.  Everything I eat is a choice - sometimes a good choice and sometimes not - but it's MY choice and no one else's!
* It's ok to not be perfect - as long as you're being reasonable and aware.  Likewise, it's ok not to track for a week on vacation - as long as it's a conscious choice and you stay aware of what you're eating.

This blog has also changed/transformed over the last year.  It started out as a daily accounting of what I was eating, with some introspection thrown in.  Since my life has gotten busier, it's become more sporadic and about whatever it is that I feel like talking about, lol.  My intention is to post weekly, somewhat about my weekly meeting, but not necessarily.  I think this might be an easier goal to accomplish than posting daily.

I was re-reading some of my first posts on this blog earlier today, and found something that I'm glad I still whole-heartedly believe and practice (though I've had my moments, lol).  It was on Dec 14th, 1 week after started WW and the day before my first weigh-in (in which I lost 6.4lbs HOLY COW!):

"I am eating better, healthier foods, in reasonable quantities, and am not starving.  In my mind, that makes it a successful week, regardless of what the scale says."


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