Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week 6: Weigh-In Day

For breakfast today I had a packet of oatmeal (4P+) with some frozen fruit mixed in, and two cups of skim milk (4P+) while waiting for my meeting to start.  Breakfast totaled 8 Points Plus.

On the way home, I stopped at a Verizon Wireless store and ended up getting myself a new phone!  The store was on my way home from my meeting.  I ended up getting the Droid Incredible - I love it!  But, didn't love it so much the day I bought it, lol.  The salesman in the store had shown me how to use Google Maps for navigation (I had previously been using VZ Navigator).  Well........I didn't realize he left it running, and didn't show me how to turn it off.  I left the store, and got on the highway to head home.  The phone was nearly dead, so I pulled into the breakdown lane to plug the car charger in (bought the accessory pack that included the car charger, hard case and protective film for the screen).  Plug the charger into the car, and can't figure out how to plug it into the phone!  The hole in the phone didn't look like it matched the end of the charger, and I didn't want to force it in.  So, I decide to turn around and go back to the store, thinking I had the wrong charger. 

Meanwhile, the phone had started 'talking' to me, telling me how to get home.  So, of course, when I turned around to go back to the store, the phone is recalculating the directions trying to get me home.  For the life of me couldn't figure out how to turn them off!  I admit, I was probably more distraught than I ought to have been, but that's me sometimes.  Every time it talked I'd scream at the phone to shut up!  LOL  Anyway, I got to the store, and it was the right charger, and he showed me how to turn off the navigation.

I got back in the car a much happier person and headed home.  Stopped home and had a bowl of cereal before heading to the grocery store - never shop on an empty stomach!  I had a bowl of Multigrain Cheerios (5P+) with two cups of milk (4P+) when I got home.  I had two servings of cereal.  In my world, one serving of cereal is never adequate!

My WW Leader told us about a very easy, simple way to make Fra Diavolo pasta.  I love it, and have tried to recreate it at home.......with very little luck!  It was so easy, it was funny!   A jar of Classico Spicy Red Pepper sauce.  That's basically it!  I was afraid it would be too spicy, but it was good.  I bought that and some lobster at the store.  Had them steam if for me (thank god stores do that!!).  I also bought a lot of other stuff at the store, but those were the most interesting, lol.

So, I made the Fra Diavolo when I got home, because I was hungry, and the lobster was still hot.  After cleaning out the lobster meat, I ended up with approx 3/4 cup of lobster (2P+), had a serving of Barilla pasta (5P+), the sauce (the P+ are negligable, since I use a scant 1/4 cup, so I don't usually count it), and two cups of skim milk (4P+).  It was soooooooooo goooooooooood!!!!!!!!!

For dinner I made a chicken stirfry.  I was really in the mood to cook today!  I took four skinless boneless chicken thighs (I do not eat white meat) and cut them up, raw, into bit sized peices and marinated them in some soy and ginger marinade that I had in the fridge.  I also cooked up a bag of Success Rice Brown Rice.  This is the only brown rice I can eat, the others are just weird, lol.  I heated up a wok until it was nice and hot, added some olive oil and waited for that to heat up as well.  Tossed the chicken in and cooked it until it was done.  Took that out and tossed in a bunch of cut up veggies (onions, peppers, carrots, celery).  Took those out when they are done.  Scrambled one egg and tossed that in the wok, took that out when it was cooked. Put the rice (cooked)  in with some soy sauce and stir fried, then added back the chicken, vegetable and egg and cooked for a min or so.  It looked and tasted good!   The portion I had for dinner was worth 8 Points Plus.

So, today I hate 40 Points Plus, using 5 of my Weekly Points Plus Allowance, leaving me with 44 for the rest of the week. 

So, how did I do at weigh in?  I lost 2.6 lbs!  That's a total of 17.2 pounds lost :)

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