Saturday, August 13, 2011

The last few months.....

Hey everyone!  I sincerely appreciate any of you that are still reading my blog, I know I've failed at blogging daily (or even weekly or monthly, lol!).  Things have been a little crazy lately and I'm trying to get back into blogging on a more regular basis.

Like last time, although I haven't been blogging, I HAVE been continuing to follow the Points Plus plan and working it the best that I can.  To date, I have lost 68.4lbs, that's an average of about 2lbs a week!   I am down below 200lbs!  I have to say, it's an awesome feeling!!! 

I even went away to a Cake Decorating Convention in Charlotte NC this past week and managed to stay on plan and lose 1.8lbs this week.  I pre-planned and brought foods for breakfast and lunch.  I was driving down, so it was a little easier than if I had flown down.  I LOVE LOVE milk, but was not sure if I was going to have a refrigerator to keep it in, so I brought Carnation Instant Breakfast (the premixed one) No Sugar Added.  I bought the chocolate flavor.  It wasn't milk, but it satisfied the milk craving until I got home and was able to drink it again!  I also bought Chobani Greek Yogurt (I had a cooler that I could have kept it in with ice if needed) with me.  Those pretty much comprised my breakfast every day, except for two of the days when we were provided breakfast.  For lunch I brought Thomas' Hearty Bagels (oat and honey), packets of peanut butter (thanks to!!  Love that site!), and Hannaford version of Special K cereal (more protein than Kellogg's brand).  Every night before bed I weighed out two servings of the cereal (4pts total btw), and packed my lunch in my bag.  I grabbed my breakfast stuff out of the refrigerator (yes we got one!) and took off for the day.  Dinner was really the only meal that was up in the air, but I did ok. 

I didn't track what I was eating, but decided to make healthy choices and see how it went.   I even had dessert one night and had bbq pork for dinner!  I love this plan!!  There is no food that is off-limits!!   I also brought tons of the "water sticks" as I call them, to flavor the water and make sure that I drank all of my water each day.  I had soda once or twice because I was exhausted, but did not have very much of it.  I did not pass up anything that I really wanted to eat.  A very dear friend flew in from Holland to drive down with me.  She even brought me a small box of real Belgian chocolates from Belgium!!  I had a few on the trip (and shared with my friends that were there) and have decided that I am having one a day until they are gone.  I love them, and still want them, but it needs to be in moderation.  They are sooooooooooo decadent and delicious!!!!!!!!!!

This week is gonna be tough, lol, I think I ended up eating a little more last week than I am used to, because I have been hungry all week long since I got home.  I have already used all of my weekly points plus allowance and it is only Saturday.  I looked back, and except for the chocolates, all of the points I have been eating are for real food, not junk.  I will continue eating when my body is hungry this week, and if I use more points, then oh well.  I'm ok with whatever happens on Tuesday when I get weighed.


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