Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17th

Yes, I skipped a few days.  It appears as though the food that I entered in the WW online tracker, is no longer there for some of the days.....and there's pretty much no way I'm going to remember what I ate those days.

Today was weigh-in for me.  I lost 2.2 lbs, for a total of 48.8lbs so far!  I believe I had about 8 of my WPA leftover from last week.

So, today I had a half serving of Kix cereal before I left for my WW meeting.   I was up early and was hungry, lol.  The kix were 1 P+.

I then had breakfast at my meeting, after I got weighed, lol.  I had a packet of Quaker Weight control Oatmeal with a half ounce of craisins, a half ounce of golden raisins, and some frozen strawberries and blueberries mixed in.  I also had 2 cups of skim milk. Breakfast was 10 P+.

I was running errands after my meeting, so lunch was on the run.  I ended up having a Kashi peanut butter bar, and a Land O Lakes Snack Cheese for lunch.  Lunch ended up 6P+.

For dinner, I made my own version of pulled pork.  I took a pork tenderloin, cut it into three pieces and put it in a saucepan with a can of cola (not diet) and a good amount of ketchup.  Once it boiled, set it to a simmer, and let it go for about 45 minutes or so.  Until the pork was of pulling consistency.  I then took the pork out of the pan, and using two forks pulled it all until it was shredded.  I then put the shredded pork back into the sauce in the pan, and let it cook until it was thickened.

I had 5oz of the pulled pork, 2oz of cooked pasta and a half cup of corn.  I also had 2 cups of skim milk.  Dinner was 13P+.

I was hungry later, so I had a snack of 1oz mixed nuts, 1/2oz of cheese, a Chobani yogurt, and 1.5cups of skim milk.  My snack was 13 P+.

I ate 42 P+ today, using 12 of my WPA.


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