Thursday, December 1, 2011


I weighed in on Tuesday night and I was up .4lbs from last week.  I was not upset by it at all.  I said in my meeting last week, that I would be ok with a gain as long as I had felt that I honestly made good choices on Thanksgiving.  My leader remembered and called me out on it this week (she knows I wouldn't mind), and most of the people there seemed surprised that I was ok with the gain.  They will learn soon enough that I say what I mean and I mean what I say.  My leader knows me well enough to know this already, lol.  She was not surprised that I had a good attitude about the gain.

So, on to this week's......focus.....I guess we could call it.  I have been noticing the last few weeks or so, that I get hungry again pretty soon after eating (within 1 to 2 hours).  This is something that is relatively new for me.  During my meeting, I decided to track the week in detail.  Not just the food and points that I eat, but the times I eat and how hungry I am when I eat.  I made this decision in the hopes that it might shed some light on why I'm so hungry so much.  I also asked my leader if she would take a look at my tracker next week, and told her why, and she readily agreed.  I know the program pretty well (as least I think I do, and my leader thinks I do too), but you never know - she might be able to see something that I'm not seeing.

On my drive home, I started thinking about what I've been eating during the day for the last few weeks (generally, not specifically), and I realized something.......I haven't been eating many fats during the day, and I used to.  Lately my breakfast and lunch have been oatmeal, fruit, skim milk, lean ham, apple, fat free yogurt and popcorn.  I have not purposely avoided the fat, it just wasn't in what I've been eating lately.  So, I decided to add some fats back into what I'm eating, and took a look at where/how I could do this:

Switching from skim milk to 1% or higher is not an option at this time - I just don't like the 'mouth feel' of anything other than skim milk.  1% tastes creamy to me, lol.

I was bringing two Chobani yogurts to work each day (presumably for morning and afternoon snack) which were sometimes 0% and sometimes 2% - I paid more attention to the flavor than the fat %.  I bought enough Chobani's so that I can bring one 2% and one 0% to work each day.  The 2% is for my morning snack (which I always seem to need), and the 0% is for a snack later in the day if I need it.  I won't give up the 0% because I love all the flavors, so this is the compromise that I came up with.

I was bringing 4-5oz of lean ham for my lunch, along with an apple.  I'm actually surprised that this filled me up for lunch, but it did.  What I've been doing this week is bringing egg salad.  I use Egglands Best Eggs since they are two eggs for 3 Points, and I feel they are a better nutritional choice (and taste better) than regular eggs.  I hard-boiled them and cut them up, then mixed them with two Tablespoons of Lite Safflower Mayo (tough to find light mayo NOT made with soybean oil).  I use the light mayo because I just don't want to count the Points for real mayo.  I am still bringing the apple, but am also bringing a piece of cheese to have with the apple if I so desire.  It's Land o Lakes Snack'n Cheese.  I LOVE it!  It's individually wrapped, 1oz piece of REAL cheese (not lowfat) and it's only 3 Points.

In addition to the second Chobani yogurt, I am also bringing a favorite snack that I sometimes have at night at home.  It's a Trader Joe's Middle Eastern Flatbread (no Soy!), I spread it with one Tablespoon of peanut butter (which is actually more peanut butter than it sounds like), and wrap it around a banana.  It's sooooooooo good!!!!   So far this week I haven't eaten it (well...only yesterday, since it's not that late yet today, lol).

I am also bringing a serving of Orville Redenbacher's air popped popcorn that I popped in the microwave at night.  It's so simple!  I put one serving on kernels in a paper bag, fold over the top of the paper bag and put in the microwave and pop just like microwave popcorn - but with no fats!  I then put the popcorn in a bowl, and spray it with canola oil (found it at Trader Joe's) and mix it in, then repeat a few times.  I then sprinkle in either cinnamon sugar, cocoa sugar (Christmas Tree Shop is GREAT!), or powdered cheese, and stir it up.  It gives a little flavor to the popcorn and the oil helps it stick.  It may not be enough to count as a serving of oil, but it helps.

I had a tough time finding popcorn seasoning that does not contain Soy.  All of the ones I found had it, so I started thinking "outside the box" and found other ways of flavoring the popcorn.  So far the cheddar cheese is my favorite, followed by cinnamon sugar and then the cocoa sugar.

I will try to check back in later in the week and let you know how it's going!


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