Thursday, March 29, 2012

Being sick....and traveling.....

So, the last few weeks I've been fighting a sinus/allergy thing that popped up when I forgot to take my allergy meds for an entire weekend (couple that with very limited sleep and the outcome is never good).  This confirms that most of my sinus issues are a result of allergies.  I have been taking Mucinex and ibuprofen for a little more than a week, and have even started drinking peppermint tea because it is supposed to be good for clearing out sinuses. 

Last week I felt absolutely HORRIBLE.  So horrible in fact, that I ended up eating Kraft Mac & Cheese (and only M&C) for dinner two nights in a row.  It was the only thing I even remotely felt like eating.  I went away this past weekend to a cake show, and was supposed to leave Friday morning.  Thursday afternoon at work I was so icky and sick feeling that I left early (3-ish) and went home and slept for a few hours.  I woke up feeling much better and was able to finish my cake entry and still get to bed by 10pm.  Good thing, cause I was up at 5:30 to get ready to leave to go pick up a friend that was going with me.

I continued taking the meds and drinking liquids over the weekend and felt like a new person by the time I got home Monday night.  Then I FOOLISHLY thought I didn't need the meds anymore.  Stopped taking the ibuprofen and only took the Mucinex at night.  Big mistake!  I woke up this morning with a sore throat that I am hoping will go away.  I am back to Mucinex and ibuprofen per the label instructions.  Yes, I know I should go see a doctor, but the reality is that I just don't like them, lol.  I will go if it gets bad enough though.  I've had enough sinus infections to know at what point the doctor (and antibiotics) are needed.

I was down to 179.2 at last week's weigh-in, but was not diligent in tracking/making good choices over the weekend at the cake show and am back to 180.2.  I am not really that dissappointed.  I knew the consequences when I was making the choices (and yes, not making good choices was a choice I consciously made).  To date I have lost 87.4lbs, so I'm still pretty excited and happy with myself.

I won't lie though...I am totally looking forward to hitting the 100lb mark again.  I was cleaning things out a few weeks ago and ran across the 100lb certificate I received the last time I followed WW.  It's even signed by the same leader I have now!  I put it in a safe place and am going to bring it to show her when I hit 100lbs again, lol.  It's probably goofy, but I find it pretty cool.

I have some cool pictures of foods I've been eating that I'm going to try to remember to upload to the blog sometime in the next few days, so stay tuned!


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