Monday, April 9, 2012


I've now been following Weight Watchers for 16 months, and have yet to work in activity into my daily life.  I've done some here and there, but nothing sustained and nothing really planned: walked a 5k last May, did some bike riding and walking while out camping, walked the Vineyard one day, etc.... stuff like that.  Like most people, I don't like to exercise.  If I plan it, I decide I don't feel like it and cop out.  Plus, it's tough for me to find something I enjoy enough that it doesn't seem like exercise.

One thing I do enjoy is riding my bike.  The bike needs a little work (the baskets on the back are causing the wheel to not turn at the moment), and I need a helmet.  I have never worn a bike helmet before.  Yes, I know....I'm lucky I never fell!  Anyway, I've been thinking lately (the last 3-4 months) that I'd really like to start riding my bike again.  I also love camping, and the two kind of go hand in hand.  I was thinking this weekend of how to make it easier to take off for a weekend of camping.  I was looking today at some bike trails in the state I live in, and there are some near some good campgrounds.  I started envisioning me camping for the weekend and spending it riding the bike. 

Then I envisioned myself falling and cracking my head open, lol.  Off I went to look at bike helmets.  Found some nice ones at REI along with some great information about helmets.  I was under the misguided notion that helmets don't breathe - the last time I wore one it didn't.  Granted....that was probably 15-20yrs ago, lol.  So, I found one I like, at a very reasonable price.  There is even a store nearby that has it in stock and I can try it on!  You can see it here.

I have a Camelbak filtering water bottle, and love the bite-valve on it, so it doesn't leak.  I started looking at the hydration packs that REI sells and looked at the Camelbak ones...thinking it would be easier to drink while riding than dealing with a bottle.  Surprisingly, they seem pretty affordable.  A decent size one is only $65 - need to find out if it includes the water bladder or not.  Here is the one I holds 70oz of water, but I believe there is a 50oz one also.  Some of the comments mentioned that there is no clip for the bite valve, but I think a spot of velcro might solve that.

I also found on the website, some price panniers (?) which are zippered bags that attach to a cargo frame that gets put on the bike.  Not sure if I'd rather have this set up or the baskets that I currently have....will have to think further about that since they seem a little pricey.  I also need to take the bike to a bike shop and figure out why the baskets are causing the back wheel to do what it's doing.  Hopefully all of this doesn't end up costing me an arm and a leg, lol.

So, after 16months, I'm actually thinking about activity and even thinking about doing something about it.  This is a small miracle!



  1. I'm the opposite. I'm committed to activity, but hate to count calories. :-D I have so much more energy since I added activity though and I've been off of fast food and pop for 17 months. It's a start!

  2. That's fantastic Sarah! I wish activity came so easily to me. I was never that keen on fast food and I think I stopped eating most of it before re-joining in Dec 2010, and I don't think I've eaten any since then. Diet soda stuck around for a while, until I realized aspartame gives me headaches. I now drink water flavored with splenda or stevia sweetened drink mixes. I'd rather drink water without them, but I just don't like plain water.

  3. Somehow I came to love water, but sometimes I add a little lemon or lime for flavor. I hate artificial sweetener with a passion!
