Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Week 1: Weigh-In Day

Today was weigh-in day.  Time to find out if tracking and counting points has been worth it all week, along with planning what to eat, etc....   I decided when I joined last week, that I was less concerned with what the scale showed, than with knowing that I was eating healthier, and in proper amounts.  I've done this one time before, I know the scale fluctuates, and sometimes when you think you're down you're not, and exactly the opposite. 

I was extremely surprised when I got on the scale.  I lost 6.4lbs!  I almost fell over when the receptionist said it!  Since this is my first week, I think it really shows how much extra food I was eating before.  I certainly don't expect that every week.  When asked in the meeting what I hoped for over the holidays, I told them 'I would like to lose, but will be happy if I stay the same.' and then said that I was less concerned with the scale and more concerning knowing I am eating healthier, etc...    As a result of the loss, my daily points went down from 37 to 36.

So, how did I use my points today?

I brought two of the breakfast muffins with me that I baked last night.  I ate one before the meeting started (5pts) along with two cups of milk (4pts).  On the way home, I ate the other muffin (6pts) and had some water to drink.  So my morning was a total of 15 points.  I think in the future I will only bring one of the muffins with me, since I really could have waited until I got home for the second one.  If you're wondering why the second muffin is a point higher than the first, it's because when I put in two servings of it, it comes up to 11 points.

For lunch I had four ounces of lean ham (4pts), two cups of milk (4pts) and green beans that were cooked with onion and bacon (1pt for the bacon), for a total of 9 points for lunch.

I did a lot of cookie baking today, and finished all that I had wanted to get done.  I have been saving one of each of the cookies that I have made (six varieties), so that I can taste test them when I feel I want to use the points for it. 

For dinner I had a serving of spaghetti (5pts), three meatballs (3pts), a quarter cup of sauce (1pt) and two cups of milk (4pts) for a total of 13 points.  After dinner I felt like two of the cookies.  I have entered the cookie recipes into the Recipe Builder on the WW eTools site, and entered in the amount I ended up with, in order to figure out the points for the cookies.  I had one Cherry Bomb cookie (1pt) and half a Boggle cookie (1pt), along with another cup of milk (2pts) for a total of 4 points.

So I ate a total of 41 points today, using 5 of my weekly allowance points.  That leaves me with 44 remaining for the week.

I have another party coming up on Saturday that I am going to try and save points for like I did last week. 

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